Bailey Glasser and three other law firms filed suit against the State of Maryland yesterday on behalf of over 50 male and female survivors of horrendous sexual abuse suffered while minors in the custody of the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services.
The Bailey Glasser team is comprised of partner and Institutional Abuse & Neglect team leader Sharon Iskra, founding partner Brian Glasser, Mass Torts Practice Group Leader David Selby II, mass torts partner Todd Mathews, and Cary Joshi. Our co-counsel firms include Walsh Law PLLC; Rhine Law Firm; and DiCello Levitt.
As alleged in our lawsuits, previous administrations of the State of Maryland systemically allowed the rape, sodomy, threats, retaliation, and egregious abuse (physical, mental, and emotional) of hundreds of youths in its juvenile detention centers over decades. The State failed to monitor and, more importantly, failed to fix its system despite numerous external investigations documenting serious abuse dating back to 1967, prior class action lawsuits alleging civil rights and Constitutional violations, and explicit complaints from the children themselves.
We look forward to working with the current Maryland state administration in pursuing justice and closure for these survivors and an improved system that protects today’s children.
For more, please visit here.
#justice #baileyglasser #protectchildren #survivorsrights