Bailey Glasser has filed a federal court petition to confirm their client Robert Zeidman’s $5 million arbitration award against MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell after Mr. Zeidman won the “Prove Mike Wrong” Challenge. “Mr. Lindell’s baseless claims of election fraud have caused immeasurable damage to our country and have been soundly debunked. It’s time for him to pay the judgment,” said BG partner Brian Glasser, leading the team representing Mr. Zeidman.
In the “Prove Mike Wrong” challenge, Lindell offered $5 million to anyone who could prove data he claimed shows China interfered in the 2020 presidential election was inaccurate. Mr. Zeidman did so, and a three-judge arbitration panel concluded on April 19, 2023 that he definitively won the “Prove Mike Wrong” contest and that “failure to pay Mr. Zeidman the $5 million prize was a breach of the contract, entitling him to recovery.”
Payment was due within 30 days of the arbitration award, but Lindell has made no payment to date. In the petition, BG partners Brian Glasser, Lori Bullock, and Cary Joshi ask the court to confirm the arbitration award and compel Lindell to pay the judgment. Read more here.
#arbitration #justice #BaileyGlasser