Bailey & Glasser, LLP is pleased to announce that four legal service organizations across Pennsylvania have been designated recipients of $21,228.93 each in cy pres awards from the mortgage class action settlement in Dutcher v. Shellpoint. The organizations, the Community Legal Services of Philadelphia, MidPenn Legal Services, Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania, and the North Penn Legal Services, all assist indigent Pennsylvanians facing housing insecurity.
Cy pres awards allow for the distribution of leftover funds from a lawsuit settlement to be disbursed to charitable organizations whose missions generally align with the purpose of the lawsuit. Attorney Larry Lederer is “delighted that the court approved the distribution of unclaimed money from the settlement to these legal aid organizations, each of which has helped thousands of families with critical legal issues such as avoiding evictions and foreclosures or gaining access to SNAP and disability benefits. These services are vital to the public and an important aspect of the legal community.”
Debby Freedman, Executive Director of the CLS, expressed their gratitude for the award. “Because of your commitment to justice, CLS can continue to help struggling Philadelphians when they face urgent crises that threaten their homes, jobs, and families. Your strong support has fueled this work and allowed us to respond to new challenges for our clients and communities.”