BG Team Receives “Litigator of the Week” “Shout Out” by American Lawyer Media

We appreciate getting an official “shout out” in ALM/’s “Litigator of the Week Runners-Up and Shout Outs” related to our $5 million win against My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell on April 20, 2023.

“Shout out to Bailey & Glasser, LLP Glasser founding partner Brian Glasser and his partners Cary Joshi and Lori Bullock for winning a $5 million arbitration award for cybersecurity expert Robert Zeidman against MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell. Last week a three-arbitrator panel held that Zeidman proved data Lindell had promoted as purported evidence of Chinese hacking switching presidential votes for Donald Trump to Joe Biden ‘unequivocally did not reflect November 2020 election data.’ The panel found Zeidman was due the $5 million Lindell had put up as part of the ‘Prove Mike Wrong Challenge’ launched during an August 2021 cyber symposium.”

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